
My first pair of mittens made from thrift-store sweaters. They’re way too big and floppy, but they make me happy every time I wear them.

“A blue car painted green.” This was my brother’s response when Mom asked what he wanted for his fifth birthday. He and I are now in our forties, and our family’s been using the phrase ever since.

For years Mom said it when we wanted something we couldn’t have. (As in, “Yes, it’d be nice if we could have Item X, but that’s like asking for a blue car painted green. Some things just aren’t possible.) But then one year, as she was helping Grandma sell her green Impala, somehow somebody discovered the car had once been blue.

We all had a good laugh. Maybe sometimes, the impossible becomes possible after all. And that’s what this blog is about. I’m a crafter who loves finding one thing, then turning it into something new. I’m also a woman whose life has knocked her to the ground a time or two. After learning how to get back up again, I’m fascinated by the process of upcycling.

Join me. Let’s keep finding the discarded things, the impossible things. Let’s look for creative ways to see them in a new way. Let’s find value in them somehow. Then, let’s make them our own.

44 thoughts on “About

  1. I wanted you know that you’ve inspired me in many ways. I’ve nominated you for the Versatile Blogging Award. You can view the details on my post of June 6, 2015. Congratulations! Murr


    1. Wow, what an honor, Murr (or shall I say Marigold). I appreciate that you took the time to flesh out all your entries. You’ve enticed me to check them all out! And I’ll look into a way to turn this into a post. Thanks a million!!


  2. You’ve been nominated for the Liebster Award. (again) I apologize if you’ve already been nominated, but then again…it could be a good thing if it brings us more followers! I was nominated and picked 10 blogs to nominate. Some are under 200 followers, some are not. These are blogs that really spoke to me and the timer cut me off from spending too much more time scrolling the blogo-sphere looking for new blogs!
    So just go here http://dawnengler.com/2015/03/20/liebster-award-nomination/ for all the pertinent info!


    1. Wow, Dawn, thanks so much! This is great! I, too, appreciate the community the blogsphere has provided. I’ll see how I can incorporate this into a post. I’m all for supporting each other as we grow.


  3. Was over on Nancy’s website (Two Trails, One Road) and saw the title of yours in the sidebar and came on over to take a look. So glad I did. Just love your website and the talent you have for re-purposing items! Not to mention your positive outlook!


  4. Finding out your green car was once blue must have been a hell of a coincidence! 😀 I really like your header and your title. The fact that a simple phrase your family uses has turned out to be so symbolic to what you do here on your blog is really something.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi! Found you through The Women of Midlife. I’m planning to expand my blog reading this year and I love your upcycling ideas. We recently moved into an 1860’s farm house at the beach and 2 rooms have floors that were moved from an old school house in Lancaster, PA. I’m learning to see the beauty of upcycling.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi, Babs50nfab. What a great, amusing name, btw. Wow, what stories your new house must tell! How intriguing that the floors came from an old school house. They’ll have character new flooring never could. Thanks for your support!


    1. Thanks, Laura! Your comment makes me want to sit down and make another pair! And since I checked out your site this morning, I’m now thinking about trying out that cheesemaking kit I got as a gift. Hmmm…


    1. Thanks, Roni! I think this is a great way to get bloggers engaged. Thanks for thinking of me, and I’ll find a way to weave it into a post sometime soon. I look forward to scoping out the other blogs you selected, too. Cheers!


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